Zapier to Integromat


Zapier to Integromat

Save Money! Save Time! Gain Controll! Automate more!

Switch from Zapier to Integromat

We help you to migrate from Zapier to Integromat for a fixxed and transparent pricing. Integromat Automation Experts Focused On Delivering BIG Business Results – Every Time.

Happy Clients

Thinking Of Making The Move From Zapier To Integromat?

We all know Zapier is an old player in the automation game. A lot of businesses (maybe yours included) use Zapier to automate the day-to-day activities of their businesses. And you constantly hit limits or it is too expensive.

It might be time to switch to Integromat from Zapier.

You Enjoy These Benefits When You Switch To Integromat From Zapier

Switch to Integromat, obviously save time as well as money. For more click on the benefits

Build better automation with more functionality. If you want to nest endless routers, that is no problem. In Zapier you can maximum nest 3 paths. These paths are free in Integromat. Zapier charges you atleast 49$.

Build what was not doable before or only with heavy consumption of task. Check this.

Migrate to the best and cheapest automation platform. Integromat is the winner when it comes down to pricing for service and functions.

Everything costs at Zapier even if you don’t use it. Tasks Tasks Tasks, what is a task? It is hard to define and intransparent.

Best iPaaS alternative to Zapier? Integromat.

How to switch

Move to Integromat from Zapier in 6 simple steps.


1. You choose your package

We can either estimate this automatically by our market leading zap-price-botter and send you an offer via email or you can watch following how to.


2. Purchase your package and save money

After the purchase we will validate your order – therefore we will need your Zapier login data and check if everything is technically possible. Our fair switch policy applies.


3. Migration confirmation is possible

Once processed and checked to see if everything is possible to rebuild in Integromat, we will confirm the order and estimate a deadline for the delivery.


4. Your account details

Well, we know sharing passwords doesn’t feel like the 21 century, but we are working close with Integromat on a solution, till then we kindly ask you to transfer your passwords. Of course, encrypted and secure.


5. Building & Deployment

We will start copying and rebuild the automation in Integromat. We will implement our Market-breaking standards. In case something breaks – we will be there and help you afterwards.


6. Testing and transfer

We will provide you with a documentation and a video with your automation. Enjoy our Zapier to Integromat switching service, start saving money and gain more automation power with Integromat.


Our Price


More power for complex sites and heavy traffic.

Starting at


One time


More power for complex sites and heavy traffic.

Starting at


One time


More power for complex sites and heavy traffic.

Starting at


One time

F.A.Q. Get Every Single Answer.

Questions deserve answers – automation deserves the best platform.

Well, we have to be honest. Not everything is possible in Integromat. For example, if you need hidden or private apps with complex APIs, it is currently not doable. But we are creative and usually find a solution.

In 98% of the cases, we can switch you to Integromat and move you over.

What if we cannot move you over?

Well, you will get of course a full refund and we will inform you once it is possible.

When does the contract start?

After our confirmation. Until then, we are not obligated to deliver and we can cancel at any time without any right to claim charges because of the failed moving/migration/switching.

Let’s assume you consume around 2.500 tasks every month you approximately need 10.000 operations in Integromat. You will save $40 each month. So, our service depending on your pricing will pay itself!

Higher plans and more tasks reach the break even sooner!

It’s no news that technology is no longer an option for businesses that are serious about growth and profit. To remain competitive and profitable, businesses must use automation to integrate their apps and data.

Integromat is the way to go and Switcher is the Integromat automation expert for you.

Ready to make the switch but don’t know which package is right for you? Hit the button below to schedule your free consultation now!

  • A delivery with the highest possible automation quality
  • The best and fastest approach to move from Zapier to Integromat
  • Tips & tricks how to achieve better processes

We Build Solutions From Scratch

Things like initial analysis, set-up, and optimization are time-consuming activities but also inevitable. We will do all of that for you.

Experienced Integromat Registered Partner

We take automation seriously and personally. # Integromat experts will be assigned to help you integrate and automate your business processes so you can focus on your projects.

Improve Business Efficiency And Have More Time

Now that we have everything taken care of and under control, you’ll have more time to deliver your projects faster and more efficiently.

Stop! Zapier does not scale.

Do you feel like Zapier is holding you down?




Protect your money.

Maybe your business processes are becoming more complex and Zapier pricing is beginning to hurt your bank account. Now you’re looking to find the best affordable alternative?


Stop overthinking.

Perhaps you’re already thinking of making the switch from Zapier to Integromat but you’re not sure how to go about your setup or how to make your automation work.

Why Us

Switcher Features



Switcher has a team of trained Integromat experts in-house and ready to automate your business.


Fast & Reliable

We are a market-leading automation company offering a flat-priced service to move your zaps to Integromat.



We belong to the top 10 partners of Integromat and famous for our technology and automation skills.

Need Some Help?

Whether you’re stuck or just want some tips on where to start, hit up.

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We will start with your migration.

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of the costs with Integromat.

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